Here are some random screengrabs and stuff from the current build of Wolfsong. The game is at about 85% done. I didn't get to use all the voice actors and musicians I wanted to, but that is okay. Part of the reason being just the time constraints, nothing the voice talent's fault. I'm very pleased with the game right now, Mandi has been doing an amazing job handling all the music for me, Corey, Silentkitty and I have been doing all of the art, and a few of my code buddies (Kildorf!) have been helping me with scripting. I appreciate everyone's support!
I know deep down I could make a MUCH better game, but managing my time, working two jobs to support the game, and just feeling an under dog... I'm real damn proud of it. :D I few people have told me the game is a bad idea and that I'm wasting my time, but I've had a lot of fun making it. That's really all I care about at this point. :D
I'm considering getting a Steam account just so I can support you as a creator. You conniving genius, you.
Haha, thanks for the kinds words :P <3