Hey guys! Last night I thought I'd sling together a sidescroller toolset for myself. Map transitions, functioning save, etc. After the huge distasters my previous sidescrollers are this just goes to show you I don't learn a damn thing from my mistakes and keep poking the snake, ignoring the rattle.
Here is it, just a single day worth the work, including the awful art. But the one thing I'd like everyone to test for me, is the save/load function, and if they detect any frame drops. There will be a slight drop when you save, that's expected, but there shouldn't be drops anywhere else. Please let me know what browser you're using too! Thanks!
Arrows and WASD controls the character. No weapons, no ducking, just running and jumping right now.
First thing - when i went to the first level i missed 2 clones.
when i started new game second time i got only one clone.
Clones allow to use exits and saveponts.
When i load game with them they are dies away.
The clones is a bug, lol, should be fixed now. Was hoping no one saw that! :D Thanks!