I've been working on a couple of new projects, three actually.
One is an rpg along the lines of Relic, and I feel like it is pretty strong. But RPGs take FOREVER to make, and they're expensive to make. It has been the most expensive game I've made so far, hiring music and voice acting and yadda yadda, so it is still probably going to be a while before I can release it. Also the file size is expanding rapidly, and I haven't even started the battle mechanics yet.
Second I've been working on Kingdom of Liars 3! I would say it is about 1/3rd complete at this stage. I'm hoping to have it done about the middle of next month, but it's hard to say for sure. You can scope out the first two here and here. I feel like this one, the third, might be the best yet. I've noticed very often the first game of a series does the best and then the sequels gradually do worse as you go. That kind of makes sense, but I'm trying very hard to make this one way better than the first two in hopes of breaking that pattern. We'll see!
And lastly, I'm making a little dungeon crawler, real simple thing along the lines of The Rose is Blooming and Steelcurse. I'm focusing on trying to use less words. I want to use more images, more art and symbols so that a greater number of players from overseas can enjoy the game without worry about understanding the english. My games tend to be VERY heavy on dialogue and words and such, and I want to try to move away from that some. There are some great games that barely use any words at all, if at all. I need to use that part of my brain more.
Forever only begins to describe how long rpgs take. Mine is completely opposite cuz I don't start with art: small file size cuz I only have the battle and cutscene mechanics :)