Sometimes I'm almost depressed by how much artistic skill and creativity is out there. I feel like I can't compete with it, I feel like my life isn't long enough to see all of it, I feel like there are these amazing artists who will never be seen nor discovered. It's overwhelming. In my mind, I'm like, "Why am I bothering to do this, there are a million people who already do it better than I." Gotta remember, it's not a competition, we do it because we enjoy it, because we have to or our hearts and minds will explode.
Weird, I was thinking the same thing a couple days ago. But you know what, man, you are really very talented and it's clear that Newgrounds recognizes it. You've got freakin' fan art, for crying out loud. You might think you can't compete, but that may just be the mindset we all have because each artist is unique in their own way and has something we wish we had. But that just makes the game interesting. Keep doing what you're doing and good things will happen.
Yeah thanks, I didn't mean to sound as down as I did. I think 'overwhelmed' might be a better word for it. There is so much great stuff, and I spend so much time making my own stuff, that I don't get to see all the other stuff. There is so much! :D