Well, tax season was a swift kick to the balls. No that I've clambered back to my feet I suppose I'll mention what I've been working on.
I have been chipping away at this monster for almost a year now. There are so many little details, and I don't want to cut anything. While simultaneously trying to keep the file size as small as possible. I'd say the game is roughly 1/3rd finished. I've got all of the units in place, the heroes set up, most of the buildings completed. I'm working on random events and gambling and smithing/alchemy right now. Also the spell creation tools. I've hit a bit of a financial wall, I can't afford to keep working on it. So I keep having to stop and take time to work on smaller projects to stay afloat. I thought about running a kickstarter for it a few times but something doesn't sit right about that for me. Not sure what.
I've been debating real hard about this one. I'm not sure if I should try to pick up the other story ends on 3, or start a new one from a different origin. It's a bit overwhelming trying to keep all the details straight from previous games with so many branches, in just the first three games there are something like 10 or 11 endings. I would kind of like starting again, rebooting the series, maybe revamping the art style. Of course, picking up the other story trees is cool too. I'd love to know what you guys think!
Have you thought of making Sagittarian as a comic for the Art Portal instead?
I have thought of that, but the flash games seem to do two things. It fulfills my urge to make comics while also allowing me to make a little money on the side. There is no money in comics at all unless you're on top of the stack. I used to work in comics professionally, working for a studio, and I hated it.