I just released Children of Brinn! It's a kind of experimental story/oregon trail thing. I'd love to know your thoughts, it isn't too terribly long or complex, and was actually a much harder project to manage than I expected.
Also a little something I'm working on, it's supposed to be a nod/homage to Final Fantasy 6. I'm using similar color choices and similar tile placement. Or trying to! :P
This is a for fun, kinda side project. Although I might like to make it into something more, with voice acting and a killer sound track. We'll see though, most likely I won't be able to maintain the Final Fantasy 6 feel I'm trying to grab. I'd love though to be able to tap into that nostalgic feel for people.
I'll continue to share my projects, in a few days (weeks at worst) I should be releasing another game so stay tuned, thanks guys!
OH, lastly, my age leveled up this month, so that sucked. :P
Those graphics in the screen shot are fantastic.